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Why we should ban alcohol while hunting

The Senate recently published a report proposing new measures to regulate hunting, including the prohibition of alcohol, which is highly accident-prone.

TThis recommendation of common sense is not superfluous, since alcohol seems to still be part of the hunting world, in France and abroad.

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Highly accident-prone alcohol

For example, in the United States (where average alcohol consumption is  20% lower  than ours in the general population), a  recent survey  of a representative sample of 2,349 young adults indicated that 23% of male hunters had already practiced their leisure in a state of intoxication.

The Senate has just published an information report proposing “to prohibit alcohol and narcotics while hunting” and to take measures similar to those applied for driving. This idea was castigated by the president of the National Federation of Hunters, Willy Schraen, who did not fail to retort that "a drunk guy on a bicycle is dangerous too", forgetting that the rules which apply to motorists in matters of drunkenness also apply to cyclists.

The vehement argument of the French hunting boss does not seem to stand up to international comparison, when in other countries, hunters' organizations recommend abstention from alcohol. Take the official website of an  American hunting education agency  : it is reminded that "consuming alcohol before or during hunting increases the risk of accidents by affecting coordination, hearing, vision, communication and judgment.

And in France ? Despite the absence of figures, the Senate report ventures to speak of a "small minority" of people who would hunt while drunk. Regarding deaths and serious incidents, the senators are more specific: 9% of them are attributable to the drunkenness of a hunter.

This very hexagonal report unfortunately ignores most of the international data available on the subject. He fails to mention that in the United States, drunkenness is present in 15% of hunting accidents . Also overlooked is this vast Danish study of 1,800 hunters which shows that the risk of an accident involving a firearm  increases directly with the blood alcohol level .

Nor does the recent Senate report bother to clarify how alcohol is highly accident-prone. However, we can identify three consequences of drunkenness that contribute to it.

Less assured movements

A study conducted in a Swiss hospital emergency department indicated that a third of hunting injuries resulted from falls, for example when a  shooter tumbles from his stand . Alcohol promotes this type of incident in particular by its disturbing action on the inner ear, which regulates balance, as well as on the cerebellum . Anticipation and coordination of movement are affected.

For example,  research by Judith Hegeman  in a research laboratory in Amsterdam showed that when people move on a treadmill, even at low concentrations of alcohol, their reaction time for obstacle avoidance is significantly increased.

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Poorer vision

Alcohol also deteriorates peripheral vision , which can affect the appreciation and respect of shooting angles. It is responsible for the famous diplopia (split sight) and  blurred vision  by disturbing the action of the ciliary muscles which control the visual focus.

It also promotes  glare , because the sphincter muscles that execute the opening and closing of the pupil according to the ambient light are slowed down.

In the long term,  high alcohol content  alters  color perception , causes  chronic pathologies  such as  cataracts  and  promotes age-related macular degeneration  (AMD): a condition resulting in  degradation of the central part of the retina .

Finally, let's add that alcohol  also blurs hearing . In one study, a researcher from a Korean university alcoholized several dozen participants (0.5 grams, or two standard drinks), then subjected them to a battery of tests including tone detection tasks, recognition exercises of words or speech comprehension in noise. Compared to fasting results, participants' hearing abilities were impaired.


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